September 30, 2024

Russell Colman: Navigating Post-Grenfell Fire Safety Regulations

The Grenfell Tower fire in 2017 marked a turning point in UK fire safety regulations, leading to significant reforms aimed at preventing such a tragedy from ever occurring again

As a construction company, DRG Interior and Building Solutions understands the importance of these changes for both new and existing buildings.

Post-Grenfell, the UK government has introduced a series of regulatory changes that primarily affect high-rise residential buildings. These new regulations are designed to enhance fire safety and ensure that building occupants and emergency responders have the best possible protection in the event of a fire.

One of the most significant changes is the complete ban on combustible materials in the external walls of new residential buildings over 18 metres tall. This change was directly influenced by the use of unsafe cladding on Grenfell Tower, which contributed to the rapid spread of the fire. Now, only materials that meet stringent fire resistance standards are permitted, ensuring that the building’s exterior will not contribute to the spread of a fire.

New buildings over 11 metres tall are now required to have secure information boxes installed. These boxes must contain important details about the building, such as floor plans and contact information for the responsible person. This information is critical for fire and rescue services during an emergency,enabling them to quickly understand the layout of the building and make informed decisions.

Buildings over 18 metres must now include evacuation alert systems. These systems allow fire services to communicate directly with occupants, providing instructions and updates in real-time. This is a significant shift from the previous "stay put" strategy, ensuring that evacuation can be effectively managed when necessary. 

We have introduced the EACIE (Evacuation Alert Control &Indication Equipment) warning system into our projects, as appropriate, to help improve fire safety – with Normandy House in Basingstoke being our first project to see the system implemented. It is similar to a fire alarm, where an alarm sounds, but with the additional function of alerting people inside the building that it is time to evacuate. The alarm can be controlled to create an alert floor by floor, instead of alerting the entire building at once, allowing for controlled evacuations. Each apartment has an alarm and speaker above their front door, with the master control panel next to the main entrance doors into the building, which the Fire Brigade can access in the event of a fire.

Fire doors have always been a key component of fire safety,but the new regulations place even greater emphasis on their quality and maintenance. Buildings must have fire doors that meet the latest standards for fire resistance, and regular inspections are mandatory to ensure that these doors remain effective. Additionally, the concept of compartmentation—dividing a building into sections that can contain a fire—is reinforced, requiring builders to ensure that walls, floors, and ceilings can prevent the spread of fire and smoke.

While many of the new regulations apply to new construction,existing buildings are also affected. Building owners are required to assess their properties and take steps to meet the new standards, particularly regarding cladding and evacuation procedures. This might involve retrofitting older buildings with new fire safety measures, a task that requires careful planning and expertise.

At DRG Interior and Building Solutions, we are proactive in ensuring that all our projects comply with the latest fire safety regulations. For existing buildings, we offer comprehensive assessments and retrofitting services to bring properties in line with the new requirements. Our team stays up-to-date with the latest regulatory changes, allowing us to advise our clients effectively and ensure their buildings are safe and compliant.

The post-Grenfell regulatory landscape represents a significant shift in how fire safety is managed in the UK. These changes are more than just legal requirements; they are steps toward safeguarding lives. At DRG Interior and Building Solutions, we take these regulations seriously and are committed to delivering projects that meet the highest standards of fire safety. Whether you are constructing a new building or upgrading an existing one, we are here to help you navigate these changes and ensure that your property is safe, compliant, and future-proof.